what's not to like?

You will have stopped reading this in 22 words, studies show. You’ve probably already stopped. The same studies show that someone, possibly you, will read the next 130 words. And for you, it’s important for Anne Magruder to sound good. Or at least make sense.

Both of which she does. Over a career straddling two centuries, Anne Magruder has written for print and the Web, in editorial, advertising and e-commerce. Her areas of expertise include fashion, beauty, food and lifestyle, with Ralph Lauren, J. Mendel, Coach New York, Clinique, Hellman’s and Ford Motors among her clients.

She can concept a campaign, toss off a caption, romance a sweater, plan an editorial package and name a sweepstakes. She blogs. She brainstorms. She does heads and decks and taglines. She positions and repositions. She can give a mission statement gravitas and Tweet like a tween. Are you still reading?

Please have a look at some of her recent work. Then contact Anne Magruder if you’d like to know more.

Once she figures it out, you can link to her email. until then:
